live streaming

Local bands and musicians, your time has come

Local bands and musicians, your time has come

For as long as we can remember, local bands and musicians have competed for the attention of their local community against the mainstream touring acts that would come through town. Now that a pandemic was wiped the landscape clean, opportunities will be available for local artists to fill the void at local venues.

Advanced Audio for Live Streaming

Advanced Audio for Live Streaming

When you want to perform music live for your fans over Facebook Live or YouTube, you want it to sound great. But a smartphone sitting in front of your PA system is not going to cut it. This guide walks you through all the gear (some of which you already have) to get your audio sounding professional over whatever live streaming platform you are using. Give the audience what they want, great sounding songs they can crank on their headphones or speakers.

What to do when the gig / tour gets cancelled

What to do when the gig / tour gets cancelled

What happens when everything falls apart and you can no longer perform your music live? How can you reach an audience? The recent spread of COVID-19 has put a lot of musicians in a difficult spot, with tours being cancelled, bars being closed and the CDC recommending against large gatherings. But there is still something you can do. If you are willing to push past the disappointment you may even be able to grow your music career.